Working as Part of a Team

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This course is quite general, in that each organisation has its own policies and procedures which must be followed. However, something that goes above all of this is the fact that teamwork is a major part of preventing mistakes, especially in the healthcare setting. If no one reported any mistakes or near misses, then the entire team is at risk of this happening again and again, solely to the detriment of those receiving care. However, if every person within the team reported on such matters, the organisation would be able to look at each case and change things to not only make it easier for staff to not make errors, but also for the patient to feel safer.

If the patients see the organisation is constantly changing and improving itself, they will feel more comfortable and hopefully have a more enjoyable time receiving care. You may start a new job and find out that they do not, in fact, have any ways of reporting mistakes and near misses. This must be raised to management as a high-priority situation and prevents all parties involved against litigation as well as making it safer for the patient. Something you must not do is to hinder other colleagues from reporting incidents or concerns they have about staff and patient safety. Covering up incidents puts both the patient and yourself at risk. And remember that at the end of the day, you are there to ensure that the best possible care is given to the patient.